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You're viewing Virtua Striker Ver. 2000 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Virtua Striker Ver. 2000
System : Arcade
Date Added : 2005-05-03 03:12:17
Views : 21358
Play as MVP Genki (alien team)
First you have to have MVP Yuki Chan and then go to Yuki Chan and press the 3 buttons and start at the same time.

Play as FC Sega
Select France, Press Start
Select Cameroon, Press Start
Select Saudi Arabia, Press Start
Select England, Press Start
Select Germany, Press Start
Select Argentina, Press Start
This will make the team "FC Sega" a playable team.

Play as Yuki Chan
1. Select Yugoslavia, press start.
2. Select USA, press start.

3. Select Korea, press start.

4. Select Italy, press start.

5. A new team will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. ( Yuki Chan )

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